Microsoft Azure

There are three compelling reasons to choose Microsoft Azure as your cloud provider:

  1. You are deeply tied to Microsoft.
  2. You are deeply tied to ChatGPT.
  3. They offered a much better price.

All these are legitimate, but they hint at why Microsoft lags behind Amazon despite having the edge (haha) in so many technologies. It’s simply not anybody’s default cloud.

For us at TONSAI LLC, that’s not a problem. In fact, it’s an advantage: we always advise against cloud lock-in, and using Cloud #2 with a fallback strategy for either Cloud #1 or Cloud #3 is a smart middle road.

And even here, it’s important to be careful around the risk of lock-in. For all the hype in the current AI boom, nobody is seriously contending that ChatGPT has lost its lead, and for now, Microsoft == ChatGPT when it comes to Cloud. You want to have a strategy for the day one of those things is no longer true.

We can help you design cloud-agnostic systems; and help with actual migrations between the various cloud providers when the need arises.

And if you are using Azure for its ChatGPT support, TONSAI LLC is an obvious choice to help with the AI Integration and related engineering tasks.

If this is the tech you’re looking for, you can read more about our consulting or simply drop us a line at:

sales at tonsai dot dev